All links are extracted from this link curated by Dr. Alex Huffman
Faster modelling to show how aerosols move indoors
IAalto University - Prof. Ville Vuorinen
Airborne Transmission of COVID-19: How it works and how to protect ourselves
Linsey Marr
Coronavirus: New Facts about Infection Mechanisms
Let’s talk about transmission of respiratory infectious diseases
Indoor Chem (Profs.Miller, Vance)
Where breathing becomes a risk (Deutsch)
Annick Ehmann & Maria Mast
Cold Weather and Coronavirus
The Weather Channel
How Superspreading Drives the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
Koen Swinkels
Chronological order
Tip: press F3 to search in this page
2021 · October
Day 10
120 seconds to show how to make a DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Box air cleaner (by kids) (@HaywardScoreCEO) 2 min
2021 · September
Day 28
Why Canadian public health officials are slow to recognize airborne aerosol transmission of COVID-19 (Energi Media) min
Day 24
Scientists warring over how COVID-19 is transmitted: droplets/touch vs aerosols (Energi Media) 16 min
Day 22
Two DIY Air Filter Cubes End Wall Centered 1 Minutes (Resolved Analytics) 1 min
Day 17
Clean Classroom Air Video Series (Hayward Score) 25 min
Day 10
Day 1
Ventilation revolution (TheQUTube) 1 min
2021 · July
Day 19
The importance of improved indoor air quality (Elemental Talks (ventilation industry reps)) 57 min
2021 · April
Day 24
Dr. Trisha Greenhalgh answers questions about airborne virus transmission (Quick Mommy Hacks) 30 min
Day 20
COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies for Wind Instruments (NFHS) 4 min
Day 5
Tell the CDC to Recognize Covid-19 Aerosol Transmission (National Nurses United) 2 min
Safe Spaces: how to reduce virus transmission indoors (V Martin) 6 min
2021 · March
Day 27
Aerosol transmission of COVID-19 and masks (V Martin) 3 min
Day 21
Current Top Mask Picks & Kids Masks (Aaron Collins) 14 min
Day 18
How Risky Is the Classroom With Covid-19 Controls in Place? (Wall Street Journal) 7 min
Day 17
Lego Star Wars version of ventilation importance (@MoncorgeOlivier) 2 min
Day 4
Ventilation in schools (BBC) 3 min
2021 · February
Day 28
I Just Can't Wait for Vaccines (I Just Can't Wait to Be King Parody) (@NoahLLindquist) 2 min
Day 25
Webinar: Keeping Public Spaces Safe (gUV for Air Sanitation) (The Center for Global Health Delivery) 95 min
Day 18
Day 12
Hablemos de la transmisón de enfermedades infecciosas respiratorias (Indoor Chem (Profs.Miller, Vance)) 4 min
Day 11
Dr. Tedros explains that COVID is "airborne" (WHO ) 57 min
Day 8
Purificador artesanal (LIFTEC - CO2) Day 29
Sea shanty on aerosols and COVID protections for HCWs (@microlabdoc) 2 min
Day 28
COVID is Airborne - A call to action by international volunteers (English subtitles) (CovidIsAirborne) 2 min
Day 19
2021 · January
Day 29
Sea shanty on aerosols and COVID protections for HCWs (@microlabdoc) 2 min
Day 28
COVID is Airborne - A call to action by international volunteers (English subtitles) (CovidIsAirborne) 2 min
Day 19
Day 1
Good Ventilation (parody of Beach Boys song) (The Kinsey Sicks) 3 min
2020 · December
Day 29
The Essential Mask Brace, The Importance of Mask Fit (Fix The Mask ) 3.02 min
Day 21
How gatherings of people increase the risk of coronavirus exposure (Aalto University ) 2.5 min
Day 15
Indoor Air Quality in K-12 Schools: Addressing the Concept of Layered Risk Amidst COVID-19 (EPA) (EPA (Profs. Marr & Corsi) ) 104 min
Day 14
Simple ventilation can help w/ COVID-19 (short animated video) (BBC Wales News) 1.5 min
2020 · November
Day 30
Secret Heroes of the Pandemic (@KiraPeikoff) 5 min.
Day 28
5 minute Introduction to the COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission Estimator (for the ISIAQ Webinar) (@jljcolorado) 5 min.
Day 24
Consejos prácticos sobre ventilación, filtros, mitos y bulos con José Luis Jiménez (Radio El Respeto) 105 min.
Day 18
AEROSOLES Y COVID-19 (Prof. Jose Jimenez) (Los colegios de médicos de España) 140 min.
Day 15
Cold Weather and Coronavirus (The Weather Channel) 2 min.
Day 14
Public messages about "doing nothing" to fight for pandemic (German government) 1.5 min.
Day 13
A German school found a DIY solution to remove more than 90% virus-carrying aerosols from ventilators (DW News) 2 min.
Day 9
Let’s talk about transmission of respiratory infectious diseases (Indoor Chem - Profs.Miller, Vance) 4 min.
2020 · October
Day 30
WHO's Science in 5 on COVID-19 - Ventilation (W.H.O.) 4 min.
Day 25
COVID-19: Time Is a Factor + Short Addendum on Ventilation (Chenjing Liaw) 3 min.
Day 22
Airborne Transmission of COVID-19: How it works and how to protect ourselves (Prof. Linsey Marr) 6 min.
Slow motion aerosols while talking (The Slo Mo Guys) 16 min.
Day 15
Press Conference: The Airborne Transmission of COVID-19 (AAAR conference press conference) 54 min.
What do we know about the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (Prof. Kim Prather (MIT webinar)) 65 min.
Day 15
Modeled visualizations shows aerosol + droplet spread (Reuters) 1 min.
Day 6
How Superspreading Drives the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (@KoenSwinkels) 1,5 min.
Day 2
Building a box fan - filter ("Corsi-Rosenthal" box) (@neil_comparetto) 8 min.
2020 · September
Day 27
Faster modelling to show how aerosols move indoors (Aalto University - Prof. Ville Vuorinen) 2 min.
Day 23
Webinar: Superspreading events - How to minimize aerosol transmission (Prof. Shelly Miller) 27 min.
Day 11
Coronaviruses can survive in aerosols for up to three hours (BR24 - Deutsch) 4 min.
Day 10
Anthony Fauci, overview of current knowledge about COVID-19 (Harvard Medical School) 66 min.
Day 8
Why Masks Work BETTER Than You'd Think (MinutePhysics) 7 min.
2020 · August
Day 5
2020 · July
Day 23
Performing Arts Aerosol Study Round One Preliminary Results (FL Music Education Association)
Day 21
Webinar on airborne viruses, science (higher level talks) (EPA - Profs. Marr & Corsi) 87 min.
Day 7
Mask/aerosol visualization (Delft Univ.) 2 min.
Room/aerosol visualization (Delft Univ.) 2 min.
Simulation of aerosol spread in room (Posted by @DrEricDing) 1 min.
Day 6
Visualizing emissions: Schlieren Alphabet Test CU Boulder (CU Boulder (Miller et al.)) 3 min.
Day 4
How well do masks work? (PBS) 8 min.
2020 · June
Day 25
COVID-19: Time Is a Factor | Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2020 (Chenjing Liaw ) 2,5 min.
Day 18
How masks work (MinutePhysics) 6 min.
Day 16
CBS Evening News segment about the role of aerosols in the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 (Prof. Kim Prather + Dr. LaPook) 18 min.
Day 6
Viruses in the Air (Indoor Chem (Profs. Marr, Vance)) 2,5 min.
2020 · May
Day 27
Simulations of aerosol movement in room (Aalto University) 3 min.
Day 26
Transmission of viruses in air (part 1) (Prof. Linsey Marr) 18 min.
Day 21
Webinar on virus in the air (higher level talk) (The Cyprus Institute) 38 min.
Day 14
Webinar: Face Masks: Materials, Disinfection, and Reuse During COVID-19 (Amer. Chem. Society (ACS): Supratik Guha & Yi Cui) 56 min.
Day 13
Understanding the Scientific and Medical Aspects of the Pandemic (Amer. Chem. Society (ACS))
Day 8
Webinar on airborne spread and singing (higher level talk) (Prof. Don Milton)
Day 4
Transmission of virus in indoor air (higher level talk) (Prof. Shelly Miller) 44 min.
2020 · April
Day 30
Dangers of chlorine-cleaning masks (Indoor Chem (Profs. Farmer, Vance)) 3,5 min.
Day 3
Thoughts a out aerosol spread of COVID and research (NHK World-Japan) 6 min.
2020 · March
Day 29
How do Face Masks and Respirators Work? | Risk Bites | Andrew Maynard (Risk Bites, Andrew Maynard) 6 min.
Day 18
Seeing how germs spread on hands (Mark Rober) 10 min.
Various aerosol visualizations (MIT - Prof. Bourouiba)
Various videos on mask testing (Aaron Collins (@MaskNerd) Channel)
Various videos on COVID emission & transmission (@VickiGSP)
Aerosol emissions from toilets (simulation) (MIT (Prof. Bourouiba))
Various aerosol visualizations (MIT (Prof. Bourouiba))
Efficacy of face shields against cough aerosol droplets (NIOSH (Prof. Lindsley)) 3,5 min.
Do-it-yourself video on making a box fan filter (Univ. Michigan Medicine) 3 min.