Tweets, threads, blogs & podcasts
All links are extracted from this link curated by Dr. Alex Huffman
Chronological order
Tip: press F3 to search in this page
2021 · October
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Thread reminder on needing high CADR, not just high efficiency for air cleaning @CorsIAQ
Slides on reducing disease transmission in schools @NjbBari3
Day 10
120 seconds to show how to make a DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Box air cleaner (by kids) @HaywardScoreCEO
Thread on CO2 measurement @HuffmanLabDU
Stages of grief re: airborne inhalation of aerosol disease @marwa_zaatari
Day 9
Thread of 13 airborne/aerosol disease reviews @jmcrookston
Day 4
Thread on new kid mask testing @linseymarr
Day 1
2021 · September
Day 30
Tweet with links to ASHRAE & others w/ figure of MERV efficiecy as fn of particle size @HuffmanLabDU
N95s don't have to be expensive and can be reused @HuffmanLabDU
Day 28
Day 27
Day 26
(Blog) Best Masks for Teachers in the Classroom @projectn95 (Courtney Sudhalter)
Discussion on best practices to make hotel/motel stay as safe as possible Multiple, @marwa_zaatari
Thread parallel to one above on making hotel/motel stay as safe as possible Multiple, @cathnoakes
Thread on "Returning to on-site teaching" @trishgreenhalgh
Day 24
Thread on new "Echoes Through Time" article of airborne disease history @HuffmanLabDU
Thread on making hospitals safer @mjb302
The case for frequent recess + lunch outdoors: Leaving the classroom to get fresh air also helps to "flush-out" the classroom. @marwa_zaatari
Day 23
Good idea to leave CO2 monitor in classroom to monitor ventilation / decay rate @ARISense_AQ
Thread + comments chronicling mask efficacy in schools @LazarusLong13
Day 21
Thread on examples of elastomeric respirators @LazarusLong13
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Thread on inhalation dose @CorsIAQ
Day 17
Posts from parents frustrated about being disallowed to bring CO2 sensor @HuffmanLabDU
Posts from parents frustrated about being disallowed to bring CO2 sensor @kprather88
Gif from USA Today article with visualization about flow in school classroom @JZarracina
Updated thread on Air Cleaners Comparison @marwa_zaatari
Day 16
Thread on gaslighting of kids wrt indoor school lunch @HuffmanLabDU
IAQ Merit Badges to recognize Acts of Clean Air Kindness @ughberta
Link to ASHRAE doc mentioning to disable demand-controlled ventilation (i.e. based on CO2) @HuffmanLabDU
Link to CDC references to CO2 sampling + HEPA use @HuffmanLabDU
Daughter frustrated about teachers eating outside at school, but kids not allowed @HuffmanLabDU
Day 15
Day 14
Post + Twitter discussion on favorite high-quality masks @ErinSandersNP
Post + Twitter discussion on favorite high-quality masks @HuffmanLabDU
Short thread on kids & long-COVID @jljcolorado
Day 13
Day 12
Social distance, ballistic droplets, and aerosols: THE KEY ERROR (history, Chapin) @jljcolorado
Collage of CR box pictures @kprather88
Day 11
Plot of viral load over time helps to explain testing sensitivity @Michaelmina_lab
Thread following update from CDC removing block on use of N95 (masks) @HuffmanLabDU
Day 10
Day 9
Airborne transmission of viruses: The comic version (via @chiawang8) @jljcolorado
Tweet with screenshot + link to document how to calculate ACH (air exchange rate) @DavidElfstrom
Thread on importance of eating outside at school @HuffmanLabDU
Day 8
Short thread explaining #airborne precautions for a #layered approach of mitigation against #COVID19 @akm5376
Data showing weak efficiency of battery-powered HEPA filters @marwa_zaatari
Show us your favorite elastomeric respirator @Amal4Solutions
Discussing asking about anyone loaning CO2 sensors out @HuffmanLabDU
Various resources as intro for CO2 monitoring @HuffmanLabDU
Day 7
Day 6
Irony/hypocrisy of schools that champion STEM but won't follow public health advice @HuffmanLabDU
Thread pushing back against 'no evidence' for mask help in schools @meganranney
Blog: The Relentless School Nurse: “I can’t take another minute of this”, is no Longer a Figure of Speech. @RobinCogan
Day 5
Day 2
Updated air cleaner chart, now including box-fan filter @marwa_zaatari
Day 1
2021 · August
Day 29
Thread about understanding ventilation, CO2 monitoring @CathNoakes
Thread on estimating ventilation and filtration effectiveness in a classroom @Poppendieck
Thread on importance of not taking off mask indoors @denise_dewald
Add calling for school masks, vax, other efforts @hospitals4kids
Thread on DIY, CorsiRosenthalBox pictures (collage) + lots of other info @kprather88
Day 28
Examples of measuring CO2 in everyday places @RichardBarrow
Day 27
Thread on questions to ask schools about airborne COVID safety (following CPR/Brundin article) @HuffmanLabDU
Thread on "is COVID less severe than seasonal flu for kids?" @Prof_Lowe
Thread related to not using ionizers, electronic air cleaners @MarcelHarmon1
Conversation about need for more than 6 ACH for safety wrt Delta Multiple
Day 26
Thread (long): Summarizing new Science review on airborne viruses + application, history @jljcolorado
Day 25
Thread: Answers to what the different strategies will result in term of air change rate @marwa_zaatari
Day 24
Thread with observations related to cases among children following new CDC data @DataDrivenMD
Thread with links to short videos from #DeltaSchoolsAirborne event @joaquinlife
Day 22
Results of optimizatio tests of box-fan filter air cleaners @DavidElfstrom
Thread: COVID hits every organ @LazarusLong13
Thread on difficulties of family discussions on sending kids to school @DataDrivenMD
Single tweet recommendation of indoor plans for lunch @HuffmanLabDU
Updated air cleaner chart, now including box-fan filter @marwa_zaatari
Day 19
Day 16
Clip of video conference regarding fleeting, outdoor transmission of Delta in Australia @JOHNJOHNSTONED
Thread of comments from a public health board meeting; instructive re: attitudes about school mask mandates @HuffmanLabDU
Short public comment in favor of school mask mandates by an aerosol scientist @HuffmanLabDU
Thread on outdoor spread/threat of COVID @LazarusLong13
Day 14
Updated thread on which air cleaner to buy @marwa_zaatari
Document w/ talking points in support of local school mask mandates @HuffmanLabDU
(Blog) 24 Reasons & 144 Billion Delta Virus Particles To Take Delta VERY Seriously Stephen Douglas
Day 12
Thread of links & threads on kids/childrens masks @HuffmanLabDU
Chain of thoughts on frustrations as parent re: schools, COVID @HuffmanLabDU
Why I recommend Flomask for kids (elastomeric respirator; mask) @LazarusLong13
Loose thread on risks of indoor school lunch @HuffmanLabDU
Day 11
Thread on practicals of the Rosenthal-Corsi Box (DIY box-fan filter) @LazarusLong13
Thread related to N95 masks and wildfire smoke, COVID @HuffmanLabDU
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Five tools for schools to operate safely @ashishkjha
Day 7
Thread on kid/child masks @masknerd
Day 4
2021 · July
Day 29
Day 27
Thread on why masks matter @meganranney
Thread w/ audio clips from CDC announcement about masks (in schools and high transmission areas) @DrEricDing
(Blog) A Breath of Fresh Air: Outdoor Education in Pandemic Times & Beyond @MarcelHarmon1
Day 23
Day 22
Plans for Chicago Public Schools re: COVID plans for fall @ChiPubSchools
Thread with thoughts about nuances of #VaxxedAndMasked discussion @HuffmanLabDU
Day 16
Short thread on retraction of Walach et al. paper @jeremyfaust
Day 15
Tweet + link to 1968 paper showing evidence HEPA filtration works @kprather88
Thread on "colossal mistake" of Philadelphia schools installing poor HEPA cleaners @WaringIAQ
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Thread w/ comments on new CDC guidance for schools @j_g_allen
Thread on how necessary (or not) fit-testing N95 masks @claire_horwell
Day 11
LONG THREAD on masks (82 tweets) @trishgreenhalgh
Thread thinking about air recirculation @Don_Milton
Day 7
Day 6
Day 3
Thread in response to Walach et al. paper on CO2-mask danger for kids @linseymarr
Thread in response to Walach et al. paper on CO2-mask danger for kids @j_g_allen
Day 2
Thread on MMWR report by Lindsley et al. on HEPA air cleaners @HuffmanLabDU
Thread in response to Walach et al. paper on CO2-mask danger for kids @SabiVM
Day 1
2021 · June
Day 29
Graphic showing differences between FFP2/FFP3/N95 @HuffmanLabDU
Day 28
Use of airborne precautions for covid-19 in healthcare settings Multiple-author Blog
Thread on Cambridge study on protecting HCWs with FFP3 masks @mjb302
Day 27
Day 26
Day 25
Thread about air quality in schools, following article about NYC buying HEPA for all classrooms @HuffmanLabDU
Blog: Covid-19 is airborne, so what needs to happen next? @microlabdoc
Tweet about HEPA in NYC classrooms + brief cost analysis @CorsIAQ
Thread on ventilation in schools @marcelharmon1
Thread about raising support for CO2 monitors in SE Asia -- and good background on CO2 monitoring @jljcolorado
Day 24
Thread with links to many articles on aerosols studies of music/instrument/band performance & practice @HuffmanLabDU
Tweet + discussion about masks for kids @kprather88
Day 23
Thread, article, and discussiona about pollen as a carrier for SARS-CoV-2 @HuffmanLabDU
Thread on the importance of 'why' airborne mitigation measures are important @HuffmanLabDU
Day 21
Day 20
Thread summary of article about need to improve CDC process @LazarusLong13
Day 18
Links to resources to file fraud claim w/ EPA about air cleaners @Parents4IAQ
Tweet with links to several resources about air cleaner evaluations @linseymarr
Day 12
Day 11
Day 7
Day 1
2021 · May
Day 24
Short thread + webinar video about reducing COVID risk in schools @CorsIAQ
Short video summarizing improvements in elastomeric respirators @PPEtoheros
Day 23
Day 22
Day 20
The essence of essential oils @marwa_zaatari
Day 18
Thread on personal take on CDC & masks from perspectives as aerosol scientist, father (epiphany) @HuffmanLabDU
Day 14
Thread supporting CDC guidelines on masks @MonicaGandhi9
Day 13
Thread on Science paper about paradigm shift related to ventilation @jljcolorado
So: What exactly does the CDC's mask guidance mean? And should you trust it? @apoorva_nyc
Thread: Not pleased with CDC mask guidance @DrEricDing
Responses to CDC guidelines on masks (via Schitt's Creek gifs) @ViralCarmichael
Ask NOT whether your school is going to open in the fall 5 days per week ... @marwa_zaatari
Thread supporting CDC guidelines on masks @MonicaGandhi9
Day 12
Day 11
Day 8
Links to various threads reflecting on CDC scientific brief @HuffmanLabDU
Long thread on airborne + droplet history (101+ tweets) @jljcolorado
Thread answering questions about personal choices he makes wrt inhalation risk & air quality @CorsIAQ
Thread on inhalation dose @CorsIAQ
The real cost of HEPA cleaners in school classrooms @CorsIAQ
Day 7
Letter follow-up to CDC brief @kprather88
Thread follow-up on sociological perspective on airborne transmission (following @zeynep article) @linseymarr
Thread about CDC scientific brief on mechanisms of transmission @jljcolorado
Thread follow-up on sociological perspective on airborne transmission (following @zeynep article) @CorsIAQ
Day 5
To HEPA or not (HEPA comparison to bi-polar cleaners) @marwa_zaatari
Graphic summarizing HEPA efficiency: HEPA vs cost @marwa_zaatari
Day 3
Tweet comment on outdated WHO guidelines on HCW PPE @DavidElfstrom
Thread on updates to COVID-19 aerosol transmission estimator @jljcolorado
Day 2
2021 · April
Day 29
Day 27
Day 26
Thread on The Lancet report on healthy school buildings @HuffmanLabDU
Day 24
Thread responding to backlash against Lancet paper @trishgreenhalgh
Day 23
Day 22
Comments on recent WHO statements about airborne COVID @mdc_martinus & @Iamgoingtosleep
Day 18
Thread on R0 @jmcrookston
Thread on school ventilation @marwa_zaatari
Day 17
Thread summary of "Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2" @jljcolorado
Short thread on "close contact" spread @HuffmanLabDU
Thread w/ infographics about COVID prevention in many countries @Orla_Hegarty
Day 16
Thread following "Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2" @akm5376
Day 15
Thread by WHO leader referencing BMJ paper on airborne transmission @mvankerkhove
Thread summary of "Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2" @HuffmanLabDU
Thread summary of "Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2" @zeynep
Sarcastic blog on useless air cleaners @JimRosenthal4
Day 14
Tweet & link about fundraising page for "Parents Unite to Fund Independent Research on Electronic Air Cleaners" @marwa_zaatari
Day 13
Dust may be an efficient matrix for environmental monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 MicrobeNet blog (Sarah Haines)
Thread on 'low Secondary Attack Rate (SAR) and Reproduction Rate (R0)' argument @CPita3
Thread summarizing indoor air risk tool available from NIST @Poppendieck
"It's quite possible that ALMOST ALL respiratory viruses mostly spread through the air" @DKThomp
Day 12
Short thread on modes of airborne transmission @kprather88
Thread on reduced O2 by pregnant patients wearing masks @doctimcook
Day 11
Day 10
Thread summarizing Prof. Kim Prather presentation at airborne virus discussion/debate @LazarusLong13
"If Dr Conly is the benchmark, then we need his resignation." @rajah_mich
Link to "Thomas Kuhn in “Structure of Scientific Revolutions”" @jljcolorado
Discussion about ethics of RCTs Multiple
Day 9
Thread summarizing Prather, Fisman, Conly discussion on airborne virus spread @DRTomlinsonEP
Live-tweet thread of Prather, Fisman, Conly discussion on airborne virus spread @lisa_iannattone
Last year, WHO ... @kprather88
Thread discussing reduced O2 for pregnant women using N95s @caruzycki
Day 8
Day 7
Day 5
Thread summary of CO2 & indoor risk paper @jljcolorado
Day 4
Day 2
Thread on airborne precautions @akm5376
2021 · March
Day 31
Thread on updated UK statements about COVIDisAirborne @FreshAir_SPFT
COVID "Myths" with Dr Stephanie Dancer Infection Control Matters Podcast
Day 30
Thread on preprint reviewing "Respiratory aerosols and droplets in the transmission of infectious diseases" @HuffmanLabDU
Day 29
Thread summarizing ventilation and CO2 build-up (following El Pais article) @jljcolorado
Graphic about exponential growth @Orla_Hegarty
Day 28
Day 25
Thread on Blueair air cleaner @marwa_zaatari
Day 21
Table & thread comparing measles and COVID-19 (Great comparison table) @JenniferKShea
Thread: A year ago, @WHO started propagating an enormous error ... @jljcolorado
Framing 'airborne' discussion as semantic @dgurdasani1
Thread on achieving appropriate ventilation rates @marwa_zaatari
Day 18
Thread on actionable aspects of COVID being airborne @celinegrounder
Thread on tackling air quality, health, and social justices via indoor and outdoor air @IAQWP
Day 17
Lost of schools wasting money on ionization cleaners @marwa_zaatari
Day 16
Thread on distance and dilution @akm5376
Day 15
Cloth filtration experiment: February/March 2021 @AniaMitros
Day 13
What air cleaner test reports don’t tell you @built_envi
Day 11
Day 7
Thread w/ perspective on airborne discussion from applied/aerosol science perspective @caruzycki
Thread on airborne transmission (Spanish) @jljcolorado
Day 6
Day 4
Nuance on 3 ft vs 6 ft distancing rules @linseymarr
Day 3
Day 2
Thread on use of desk shields @smjevnikar
Slide on short/long range spread & large droplet/small aerosol spread @linseymarr
Day 1
2021 · February
Day 28
Thread on airborne/aerosol spread (Spanish-language) @jljcolorado
Thread on complications/caveats to using CO2 for indoor ventilation @Poppendieck
Day 27
Day 26
Day 25
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Two theories to explain why masks reduce severity of disease @MonicaGandhi9
Day 15
Thread on CDC guidelines for schools, ventilation @j_g_allen
Re: Immediate Action is Needed to Address SARS-CoV-2 Inhalation Exposure Open Letter, team
Day 14
Thread on "Nebulizer-gate" @jljcolorado
Day 13
Thread following CDC guidelines for K12 schools w/ links to ventilation, air filtration @polsiewski
Thread on ventilation in schools @CorsIAQ
Thread on CDC guidelines for schools @apoorva_nyc
Thread on frustration following CDC guidelines @HuffmanLabDU
Day 12
Opinion thread following CDC guidelines for K12 schools @CorsIAQ
Thread following CDC guidelines for K12 schools @DrEricDing
A false sense of security @PeterDiamandis
Thread revealing issues with using plexiglass as primary barriers of defense @AirQ007
Day 11
Thread on Curtius et al. paper and portable air filters @HuffmanLabDU
Day 10
Thread following updated CDC guidance on upgraded mask quality + fit @AbraarKaran
Thread following updated CDC guidance on upgraded mask quality + fit @DrEricDing
Day 5
Thread on sociology of Twitter science @jljcolorado
Thread on better masks @HuffmanLabDU
Day 3
Thread on schools & COVID health @CorsIAQ
Video clip + thread from @WHO admitting COVID is in the air @HuffmanLabDU
Day 1
2021 · January
Day 31
Day 29
Day 28
Definition of N95, KN95, KF94 (also FFP2 = European) masks @linseymarr & @smogdr
Day 27
Mass balance calculations (for classroom) to CO2 concentrations @linseymarr
Thread about arbitrariness of the 15-min guideline for indoor contact @akm5376
Day 26
Day 25
Tweet with video of recent WHO meeting without masks @HuffmanLabDU
Day 23
Day 19
Thread on several aerosol calculation models @HuffmanLabDU
Day 17
webpage on "How To Create An Emergency Isolation Room" in your home, condo or apartment @healthyheating
Day 16
Thread w/ miscellaneous evidence about airborne SARS-CoV-2 @AliNouriPhD
Link to fix the mask face-seal, brace @FixTheMask
Day 15
Day 14
Petition related to airborne spread wrt new COVID variants @Iamgoingtosleep
Thread on answering "why" as a scientist @Poppendieck
Day 11
Thread on likelihood of outdoor transmission @mugecevik
Funding now avail in CA for schools to assess their ventilation and repair @ShellyMBoulder
Day 4
Thread on history of airborne, TB, measles, Chapin @jljcolorado
I'm on Team 'GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER ... @j_g_allen
2020 · December
Day 31
Day 30
Day 30
Stopping the spread of COVID-19_Discussions with Prof. Kimberly Prather (podcast from May) @kprather88
Day 29
Day 28
Thread on living room spread of COVID @darakass
Picture of poster from 1920 about "Precautions against influenza" @orla_hegarty
Day 27
Thread on humidity and airborne viruses @linseymarr
Day 25
Day 24
Day 21
Day 18
Day 17
Thread on paper showing differences in aerosol generation based on voice sounds @AliNouriPhD
Overview of pre-Fall 2020 COVID aerosol risk model & planning (from July 2020) @HuffmanLabDU
Thread associated with COVID aerosol risk modeling for university music classrooms @HuffmanLabDU
Day 15
Day 13
Day 11
Thread on airborne transmission @DrEricDing
Day 10
Thread on air cleaners @jljcolorado
Public comments to BVSD school district @ShellyMBoulder
Visual summary of recent mask study @linseymarr
Short thread on classroom ventilation & air cleaning @ShellyMBoulder
Day 9
Day 8
A Conversation with Jose-Luis Jimenez ACS Central Science
A historical timeline of infectious disease and aerosols @jmcrookston
Aerosol timeline (wrt COVID in 2020) @jmcrookston
Short thread w/ links to new CDC ventilation guidelines @HuffmanLabDU
Tweet showing relationship of ACH w/ air turnover @ShellyMBoulder
Debunking Myths About MERV, Air Filtration ASHRAE journal
DIY CO2 Sensor for Schools TorreyInnovation
Day 7
Thread on CO2 observations + instructions to meaure AER at home, school @HuffmanLabDU
Eagle and chicken analogy for respiratory particles @jljcolorado
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Thread about updated CDC guidance @apoorva_nyc
Day 3
Video link to Dr. Tedros (WHO) in March saying COVID is airborne @Iamgoingtoslep + @mdc_martinus
Short thread on CO2 measurements in classroom @jessica_bassett
Gif visulaizations of CFD air movement in room (from Saarinen et al., PLOS ONE, 2015) @HuffmanLabDU
Day 2
Thread following WHO Q&A @HuffmanLabDU
Nested thread: importance of masks, layering, WHO @HuffmanLabDU + @CorsIAQ +
Thread on Kwon et al. paper on 5-min exposure over 20 ft @AliNouriPhD
Day 1
2020 · November
Day 30
Day 29
Day 27
Day 26
Day 25
Tweet opinion on future needs for indoor air health; schools @CorsIAQ & @j_g_allen
Day 23
Thread on mask study preprint (from Marr group) @linseymarr
Day 22
Aerosols with respect to human physiology @DrPieterPeach
Most COVID transmission by people without symptoms @jljcolorado
Day 21
Thread on Chapin and history of infectious aerosols @jmcrookston
Day 19
Thread on rationale for mask-wearing @Prof_Lowe
Day 17
Thread on WHO outbreak @HuffmanLabDU
Overview of Prof. Miller COVID work, tips, blogs, papers, etc. @ShellyMBoulder
Thread on modeling Thanksgiving aerosol risk @HuffmanLabDU
Day 16
Thread of threads about airborne viruses @jmcrookston
Day 15
Day 14
Thread on holiday gatherings @kprather88
Day 13
Thread by citizen scientist on CO2 for estimaging ACH @LongDesertTrain
Day 12
Day 9
Day 7
Day 6
Thread: Monitoring ventilation w/ CO2 uUpdate to the FAQs on Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission) - @jljcolorado
Day 3
Day 2
Thread + blog on poor ventilation in homes - @ShellyMBoulder
Thread on evolution of WHO statements on ventilation - @HuffmanLabDU
Citizens’ petition asking the WHO to clearly tell the world that COVID-19 is in the air! - @covidisairborne
Day 1
2020 · October
Day 30
WHO video on ventilation - @ShellyMBoulder
Thread on study from May 2020 on WHO, ventilation, droplets - @jmcrookston
Day 29
Thread on need for multidisciplinary research in COVID discussion - @HuffmanLabDU
Thread on using aerosol models for COVID (response to El Pais backlash) - @jljcolorado
The role of Aerosols in SARS-CoV-2 Transmission - Swiss national taskforce
Day 28
Thread on steps by San Diego school district - @kprather88
Day 26
Thread related to article on returning kids to school - @apoorva_nyc
Day 22
Podcast/Radio: Ask An Expert: How safe is indoor air? - @CorsIAQ
Thread on effectiveness of masks - @justin_hart
Day 21
Day 17
Thread following study re: RH, Temp & virus viability - @linseymarr
Day 15
The modes of transission of SARS-CoV-2: What we know now & how to protect ourselves - @jljcolorado
Thread on how to open schools in context of COVID - @ShellyMBoulder
Day 12
Thread on rebreathed CO2 and air - @CorsIAQ
Day 7
Steps for Reducing COVID Transmission - @CyrusMaher
Thread on box fan cube + testing analysis - @JohnSemmelhack
Day 6
Thread responding to CDC guidelines from 10/5 - @jljcolorado
Letter to BV school district re: COVID safety - Day, McQueen, Miller
Day 4
The pandemic in the air (interview with Dr. Richard Corsi) - The Open Mind podcast
Day 1
2020 · September
Day 27
Safer Space In The Age Of Covid-19 - @WarkEnergy
Day 25
Cloth Masks to reduce COVID19 transmission - @chasingcloudsCW
Day 21
Day 20
Day 11
Using CO2 indoors to monitor infection risk - @jljcolorado
Episode 8: COVID and Indoor Air Quality - Shared Air podcast
Day 10
Screenshot video of Prof. Marr from NASEM workshop: overview of aerosol transmission - @adamhamdy (@linseymarr)
Day 9
Example of particle reduction by box fan + MERV filter - @HuffmanLabDU
Day 8
Day 5
Day 4
Thread on UV air disinfection technology (w/ link to detailed presentation on 2nd tweet) - @ShellyMBoulder
COVID-19 Indoor Safety Guideline; resource page - Martin Z. Bazant
Day 3
Day 1
Thread on logical errors in discussion of how COVID-19 is transmitted - @jljcolorado
Tweet on face shields w/ visual & links - @linseymarr
2020 · August
Day 30
Day 28
Personal summary of NASEM workshop on airborne SARS-CoV-2 (see: #EnviroHealthMatters) - @UniversalMaski2
Day 26
Lots of great discussion, live-tweeting from NASEM workshop on airborne SARS-CoV-2 - #EnviroHealthMatters
Day 24
Thread on ventilation concerns - @DavidElfstrom
Day 22
Thread on old measles papers/history related to current pandemic aerosol/droplet discussion - @jmcrookston
Thread on ventilation in schools - @jonlevyBU
Day 17
On the need for a **true multidisciplinary approach** to aerosol & droplet transmission (aka “the Godzilla thread”) - @jljcolorado
Day 13
Day 10
Tweet thread on aerosol and droplet spread (reasoning) - @jljcolorado
Day 7
Tweet thread on air cleaners - @jljcolorado
Day 5
Thread discussing opinions on transmission routes - @jljcolorado
Day 4
Idea to correct WHO figure on aerosols - @jljcolorado
Day 3
Follow-up on fan + HEPA/MERV filter - @jljcolorado
Day 2
Video on fan + HEPA/MERV filter - @smogdr
Some slides on classroom air quality - @CorsIAQ
Day 1
Cheap fan + HEPA/MERV filter - @jljcolorado +
2020 · July
Day 30
Day 29
Link/comment about study: aerosol in - @ShellyMBoulder
Day 28
Threat on re-opening schools - @j_g_allen
Day 27
CO2 sampling devices - @ShellyMBoulder
Day 24
Discussion about CO2 sampling in classrooms - @jljcolorado
2020 · March - June
Day 21 - June
Thread on ventilation - @IAQinGWN
Day 5 - June
Masking the Use of Masks - @ProfCharlesHaas
Day 29 - May
Idea/hack to improve seal around your surgical mask - Design Boom
Day 18 - May
Thread on ventilation - @IAQinGWN
Day 3 - May
Schlieren imaging footage of a woman coughing, first without and then with a face mask. - @sciencephoto
Day 19 - April
Petition to set national humidity guidelines - Dr. Stephanie Taylor
Day 30 - Mach
Sneeze simulations - @marekkraft
Day 8 - Mach
Thread on why soap works to kill coronaviruses - @PalliThordarson